One found, one fixed

22 10 2008

As the name of this entry might suggest, today I was able to not only be a seeker of caches but an owner as well. Being able to simultaneously give back to and get something out of this wonderful sport is truly a privilege and doing both in one day is simply pretty good.

First off, the finding part. Today’s find was of the virtual nature. Winds of Change is a 1/1 by AbbysGrammy which I can’t say to much about lest I divulge the answer and give it away. It was a good find though, and a nice way to end a night at church.

Speaking of church, the “fixing” mentioned above refers to some maintenence performed on aptly named cache Here is the church…, a 1.5/1 that shouldn’t be too tough to find. After seeing a log on Sunday saying that one cacher could not locate the hide, I went over and checked to make sure the cache was still in place. It was, but somehow it’s contents had become a tad waterlogged. This was strange to me, for I had thought the container to be of the watertight sort. Apparently, that is not the case. Watertight or not, I replaced the soggy log (that almost rhymes) with a new dry one in a protective plastic baggie. Also, in light of recent DNFs and some reconsideration, I upped the difficulty half a point from its previous status as a 1. So there you have it, a bland day of caching, but a day involving caching nonetheless.


Hiding Spots

20 10 2008

So, today I went to drop off a trackable (Doug the Photo Slug) that I’d had for way too long. Serioulsy, it’d been in our possession for like two and a half months, a big caching no-no. This reality coming to light, I decided it was time to release the little guy back into the world, and what better place than one of The Stoogeteers’ own caches? The cache of choice this evening was Traveller’s Rest – John Overton, so off I went.

Upon arrival at the cache site, I began scanning the area for the container. I checked the spot where I orignially hid it and the nooks and crannies immediately nearby. No cache. I moved some rocks around. No cache. Now I was getting worried. What if the cache was gone? What if I, the owner, was incapable of locating an object I myself had hidden? Would that make me a bad geocacher? Keep in mind, all these thoughts were racing through my mind after a grand total of 60 seconds of searching, but I was worried nonetheless. Luckily, though, I persevered and eventually found the cache, even if it was about 4 feet from where I’d originally placed it.

I say all this to make a very weak and generally lame point: whenever you find a cache, no matter who the owner is, put it back where you found it. No biggie here, definitely not a huge problem. In fact, I would venture to say that moving a cache a little over a yard would, in most cases, not alter the experience on single bit. This is really more a thing of convenience, for cache seekers and owners. So, in conclusion, just put it back where you found it. Or, if you move it, put it in the log so everyone knows. Hopefully this doesn’t sound too nit-picky (reality check: it does).


Nothing new here

8 09 2008

Well, it appears we are slackers. No new finds for The Stoogeteers since August 24th. That’s despicable. We’re obviously not on top of our game at the moment. Hopefully we’ll get back on track soon. As for now, here’s a completely useless update on how many times our four caches have been found:

Traveller’s Rest – John Overton – Found 19 times (9/7 most recently)

Here is the church… – Found once (9/1)

Stately Flower – Found 21 times (8/30 most recently)

Geocaching, Ltd. – Found twice (8/29 most recently); C’mon people, this is a good one. Do the math.

Okay, that’s all the time/space we’ll waste for now. Hopefully some substantive material will follow shortly.

Another New Cache

1 09 2008

Yes, we have another new cache out there for you to hunt. Here is the church… is a super easy 1/1 located at a place where the Stoogeteers have spent hours and hours on end doing all sorts of stuff. Check it out, and enjoy the hunt.

Geocaching, Ltd.

28 08 2008

Yes indeed, we have a new cache published, and a doozie at that. Geocaching, Ltd. is a 4/1.5 puzzle cache that will test your mathematical and deciphering skills. I had the idea for this one in my Calculus class earlier this week and now it’s become a reality. So, check it out. See if you’ve got what it takes. Enjoy the hunt!


Can you figure it out?

Can you figure it out?

P.S. Special thanks to math nerd Raymond Poon for supplying me (Halpert) with the problems seeing as I left my textbook at school and couldn’t wait to put this one out.

Hide a cache, Drop off a TB

26 08 2008


Can you see the rainbow? Look harder.

Can you see the rainbow? Look harder.

Today, I braved the heavy mist of a rain to give back to the caching community and hide a cache. I will divulge more information about said hide once it is published. For now, it will have to suffice to say that this one is the same that I mentioned in the previous entry.


I also dropped off a travel bug today in one of my caches. So, if you go looking for Traveller’s Rest – John Overton anytime soon, you just might be able to move along:

 tasia’s Kansas Sunshine 2007 Micro


Now, that’s not really an important piece of information, but it is one that I imparted nonetheless. That’s just the kind of guy I am.


P.S. I also saw a rainbow.