Nothing new here

8 09 2008

Well, it appears we are slackers. No new finds for The Stoogeteers since August 24th. That’s despicable. We’re obviously not on top of our game at the moment. Hopefully we’ll get back on track soon. As for now, here’s a completely useless update on how many times our four caches have been found:

Traveller’s Rest – John Overton – Found 19 times (9/7 most recently)

Here is the church… – Found once (9/1)

Stately Flower – Found 21 times (8/30 most recently)

Geocaching, Ltd. – Found twice (8/29 most recently); C’mon people, this is a good one. Do the math.

Okay, that’s all the time/space we’ll waste for now. Hopefully some substantive material will follow shortly.

Another New Cache

1 09 2008

Yes, we have another new cache out there for you to hunt. Here is the church… is a super easy 1/1 located at a place where the Stoogeteers have spent hours and hours on end doing all sorts of stuff. Check it out, and enjoy the hunt.